Sunday, October 30, 2011

Trick-or-Treating in Nairobi

If you live outside of a kid-saturated surburban housing development in the United States, you've probably had the same experience I've had the last several years on Halloween: you go out and buy a bunch of candy, turn on the porch light, and happily anticipate the doorbell of the first trick-or-treater. Then you proceed to wait...and wait...for the doorbell to ring. By the end of the night, maybe 5 trick-or-treaters have come by, and you're stuck with a huge bowl of candy to eat yourself.

I'm happy to report this was not my experience in Nairobi last night. The Embassy organized trick-or-treating in our compound of 60 houses. The best part was I didn't even have to buy the candy!! The parents of the trick-or-treaters provided candy in advance to our social activities office, who then distributed it to the houses who were giving out candy. So, last night I happily spent an hour giving out Snickers and M&Ms to princesses, goblins, Captain America, jedi knights, werewolves, and other costumed munchkins. And all I have left are a handful of Tootsie Rolls and hard candies. Success at last!

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